Permanent Resident
Seren came into the sanctuary late May at only 2 weeks old after her brother and sisters and her were all found with their mother. Unfortunately, their mother had died.
There were fears with her auspicious start to life, considering she had been feeding off her ill and then dead mother. We weren't sure if there were any immunity issues and we were very careful to restrict access for the first couple of months to help build her up.
After spending so long getting up to full strength, she was nearly 7 months old before she was ready to find a home. After spending every day and night with her siblings and the other cabin cats, she was highly vocal in her distress when we tried to move her into another area or separate her from the others. We made the decision that she would only be rehomed with a sibling.
We also made the decision that she had to be an indoor only cat as she hasn't been outdoors since arriving at the sanctuary except for trips to the vets; on which she fretted constantly.
In 2020 and approaching her first birthday, she showed signs of flu and we removed her from the rehoming list until she was healthy again as she was receiving eye drops as well as other treatments for her health. She is prone to picking up infections - potentially as a result of a weaker immune system from losing her mother at such a young age. We honestly don't know. What we do know is, that whether she lives at the sanctuary for another month or for the rest of her life, she will always receive the absolute best care.