Founder Lyn Friel discusses recent struggles at Crosskennan, shares rescue stories and talks about how you can make a difference to animals in need, all whilst helping us bring support to vulnerable people in Northern Ireland.
What makes Crosskennan so different to other charities?
We are the only educational charity in NI dedicated to the rescue & rehabilitation of equines.
Next year we will be celebrating our 30th anniversary, marking three decades of commitment to improving animal welfare in Northern Ireland.
We rescue and rehome hundreds of animals each year, as well providing sanctuary to almost 100 permanent residents.
We provide education on responsible animal care and pet ownership.
We help hundreds of people each year through volunteer opportunities and our Animals Helping People scheme.
We must keep going. Our animals depend on us, and have nowhere else to go. We’ve cut costs everywhere we can and are still struggling to keep on top of bills.
We are appealing to our supporters for urgent help.
How can you make a difference?
By attending our events or availing of the services we offer.
Sponsoring Betty, Willow or Tweedy and Harper from £3 a month. You’ll even get to visit them!
By making a regular donation each month.
If even ¼ of our supporters donated £1 a month it would end Crosskennan’s financial struggles.
This would allow us to continue to focus on helping both animals and people, a task that is absolutely crucial due to the serious lack of support in NI available to those who need it.
How much do we need?
We currently owe our kind and patient suppliers about £8,000 (breakdown below).
Clare Vets £1,226
Cedar Grove vets £2,533
Beatty’s feeds £1,710
McEvoy bedding £1,963
John Graham Hay £430
Thank you for your continued support.
You are making a genuine difference to animal welfare and improving the lives of people in our communities by supporting Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary.
Find out more about the work we do and how to support us by adopting an animal, volunteering or attending our popular “Coffee with Cats” events by visiting our website!