It’s the ninth day of our 'ARK' Appeal.

Today it is Bernie who is needing your help. Bernie arrived at the sanctuary in 2016 as a very sick, three weeks old, orphaned kitten. She arrived with her siblings and together they were nursed to health with help from another mother cat, Duchess, who helped clean and read them.
As soon as they were advertised for homes they took sick again with cat flu. You wouldn’t know it now but this beauty could hardly see when she was younger due to the infection in her eyes.
She pulled through and again we tried to rehome, sadly no one came forward. By this stage Bernie was beyond the cute kitten stage and wasn’t looking her best after Illness. When she turned 2 and still no home was found and she was very settled into the sanctuary life we made the decision that she could stay with some of her siblings. She is always one of the first down to say hello and loves to explore the yard. Her early health issues have left her with some stomach trouble so she gets sensitive Food!
It costs us £1.33 each day to feed Bernie. We hope to raise enough to help cover the next 3 months feeding for her which is £119.70.
We are honestly sinking under the financial pressures of caring for the animals in need. We are not a large charity and we never have much in the way of reserves but the COVID19 crisis has completely depleted what money we had spare and we are doing all we can to keep our heads above water. We are not going to survive without your help!⠀ ⠀ To help us keep animals safe and fed we are trying to raise 3 months’ feed for each of our animals so that we can keep them safe during this epidemic. Yesterday you helped raise enough money to feed Apphia for over 3 months!⠀⠀ ⠀ Please donate whatever you can afford so together we can keep Bernie safe on our 'Ark' at this horrible time.⠀
To donate please send via PayPal to:
PLEASE REMEMBER - Gift Aid if you can! Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by the donor. This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, boosting the value of the donation!
With the lockdown, we cannot run the same level of community fundraising which is why the ark appeal was launched to help combat the losses of donations. Your support can help us save lives.
We have over 100 animals to care for currently and without people's support, we will not be able to continue! We are financially walking a tightrope and we are determined to cross that finish line with everyone at our side - so please, share, comment, give, tag, and help us help them!
Please donate now to help animals at the sanctuary - send a Paypal donation to
Please remember to gift aid your donation if you can!
Learn more about Beth - visit our resident's pages!