We want you to design a poster that is eye-catching and informative - helping us help animals in need and educating young Pet Owners!

Animal Welfare is very important - and not everyone knows how to look after their pets properly. To help us promote proper care we would love to be able to share some wonderful informative posters. It's up to you what you think people should know before they adopt a new pet! Things like what they need, how much pets cost, or how often they need exercise for example!
We hope to raise funds to help cover the costs of the vet bills for the Fairhill Colony who were rescued during the lockdown, many in a very poor state and in need of extensive vetting and care. To help cover the costs many Ballymena businesses have offered their support and we are pleased to present three hampers from Claire's, The Works, and The Kiosk in The Fairhill Shopping Centre, as prizes. Winner's will also have the opportunity to attend the sanctuary and work hands-on with some of the animals.
Open to all children up to 16 years of age.
Due to the nature of the current COVID climate, we reserve the right to extend the deadline to allow for people to submit. The closing date is December 6th, 10:00pm
School groups are welcome to enter.
All Entries are £1 each.
You can pick any animal as your chosen subject - winners will be judged on the quality of information as well as design. Posters can be created by hand or digitally.
All entries must include the name and age of the child. As well as contact details for parent/ guardian/school.
You can post submissions directly to; CLAS Poster Contest, Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary, 26 Crosskennan Lane, BT41 2QY.
Or email scanned/photographed entries to events@crosskennanlane.org.uk
Payment for entries can be made by cheque or via our website by clicking HERE!
If you would like some more information just send an email to events@crosskennanlane.org.uk