Day 12 of Lockdown

“Pssst, over here, yeah you! Come closer! What do you mean you are social distancing? What does that mean?
Today I’ve learned about COVID19 - a little like our sanctuary manager I am not attached to the outside world and so many things pass me by and I don’t hear about them until much time after. Shockingly this COVID19 thing must be a big deal cause it’s influencing my care and cuddles and my regular Hooman contact. Have you heard about it? No, where have you been? Living under a rock or inside a barn?
It’s not until you are restricted from things that you miss them. Like my regular Hooman cuddles! I haven’t left the barn in weeks!
I’ve been sitting waiting for my @deliveroo delivery - I ordered some yummy Carrots!
What’s that? We have carrot restrictions? What’s a donkey to eat? It’s a good thing Top Spec donated all that yummy food then I suppose and that nice man who brought some hay this afternoon. So many awesome people pulling together at this time when we need them most!
I’m glad that deliveries are still happening... what? Not all deliveries? What do you mean we can’t get some bedding and food delivered?
Oh, crisis averted, apparently the Staff has been collecting what they can in their own cars, horseboxes, and the sanctuary ranger. That ranger is getting out more now than ever it did!
But anyway, back to me. I am doing okay, things are peculiar around here without so many peoples but honestly, I am getting cuddles, just not as many as I would like. I keep hearing them talk about money, apparently, horses eat it like grass? Yeah, we are running very low, not grass, but the other green stuff!
Can you send me some money to pay for my deliveroo?
Learning from today, people are awesome, and in times of crisis, they all pull together - so much so that a little hermit donkey stuck in a barn, notices! I learned today that the world is strange at the moment but I’ve also learned that people are brilliant - nearly as good as donkeys! So peoples; tag the people who are the brilliant people of the world and I’ll spread the word among my furiends!”
Denzel (the hermit donkey who lives in a barn!)
Donate £10 to pay for Denzel's increasing deliveroo habit!