We are raising funds to help extend our kennels, rehoming and isolation facilities; providing a much needed area for rescued dogs to play indoors and meet potential new families while also providing a warm and dry place to isolate small animals after rescue.

The project consists of two main parts; the first part is the knock-through and the insulation of the kennels and lean-to. We will be constructing a wall at the back of our lean-to close off the area and provide a space purpose-made for dogs, cats, and other small animals whilst also providing storage space for equipment, feed, and supplements at easy access for the equine staff.
The second part will be improving drainage in the back of the barn and securely fencing the area for dogs and surfacing to create a large covered run for dogs and equines.
Through this auction we are hoping to fund part one of this project; which will consist of the knocking through of the wall between the lean to and kennels, the building of a wall to enclose the space, the sealing of the roof and the insulation of the space. The replacement of gate/doors which are currently drafty and not water tight and the installation of new doors to act as access points between lean to and kennel into this new area. The installation of new floor insulation and surface. The installation of storage cupboards; which have been donated by a supporter and currently in storage.

In total part 1 of the project will cost £3267.00 but we have been generously donated money to help replace the kennel doors as well as the kitchen cupboards for storage so we don't need to reach this total. We hope to have this completed by September 2021 so that it can be in use during the winter period.
Auction will be running 28th March to 11th April to help raise funds for this project. https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/auction/for-the-dogs
If you can help with the donation of materials or items for the auction please get in touch; email crosskennan@hotmail.co.uk
Help us to help them!
Please, CLICK here to Make a Donation (PAYPAL)!
Or You can send a donation via a bank transfer to
Sort Code: 950202
Account Number: 31184288
If you want to get stuff delivered to us you can get it posted directly to Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary, 26 Crosskennan Lane, Ballynoe, Antrim, BT41 2QY
Or send us an email to crosskennan@hotmail.co.uk to arrange a drop off of donations!
Did you know you can send grocery deliveries to us too? Just let us know in advance, and you can do a ASDA, Tesco's, Sainsbury's Online delivery and get it dropped off at the sanctuary. We can make use of so much from your local supermarket, from fresh fruit and veg, to frozen peas and sweetcorn, fresh chicken, ham, liver, washing up powder/tablets, dish soap, bleach, disinfectant, toilet rolls, dog food, cat food, birdseed... The list could go on forever!