Can you offer these two wonderful dogs a permanent place in your home?

Cairo and Sofitel
They are brother and sister just a year old, neutered, vaccinated, and all the basics. Cairo and Sofitel were born as street dogs in Egypt and they made their way to Northern Ireland through a charity before they ended up with us. They have already been through so much and yet are so unknowledgeable about the world too.
To our knowledge they have never been inside a home, even the kennels at the sanctuary were a new experience. Their siblings have all moved on, either to new homes or to a foster home but they are still with us.
They have an incredibly strong bond, in the beginning Sofitel used Cairo as a shield but as they have grown more confident they now bounce off each other each looking to each other for a little help in times of uncertainty. Sofitel hated being parted from Cairo even at night when in the kennels sleeping and so she took to sleeping on the other side of his door.
They are out and about in the garden and paddocks for most of the day, playing and wrestling and just spending their time together. They just want to be free to run and play. We have come to the conclusion the only home that would suit them is one with a similar setup, of either a very large garden or paddocks where they could run and play. They are used to the space now that we don't think they would cope well with a small garden or limited garden access. They are very energetic dogs and ready to play whenever you are. They are very quick to learn and they are extremely loyal to those who they have come to trust at the sanctuary.

They are nervous about strangers and will bark when people they don't know appear in the yard, often while their tails wagging excitedly. One of our volunteers who has only worked with them twice said the change in the two times working with them was incredible and they only wished they had the space for them at home.
'When Sofitel thought I had a treat she was straight over, showing off her sit command and giving me big puppy dog eyes. I felt so bad I didn't have anything for her so I got one of her toys and threw it for her, this seemed to do the trick and she excitedly loped off to fetch it and then Cairo joined in and they ran about with the toy, sometimes skipping along joined at the hip. They just made me happy to be in their space. When I went to leave the paddock they immediately dropped their toy and followed me, curious. I took a seat and they were over investigating.'

Lyn the manager has been working with the pair on-site and will continue to do so - with training given to any prospective homes at Crosskennan.
In this case, training must be attended at the sanctuary and you must be willing to commit to that time. What you will get in return are two loving dogs who have their whole lives to share with you.
If you can offer a home for Cairo & Sofitel please fill in an application form.
Unfortunately, due to the large number of applications we can receive per dog, we do have to state that we may not be able to contact every unsuccessful home.
If Cairo & Sofitel is not suitable for your home perhaps one of our other dogs looking for homes would be - do check them out on our website.
Adoptive homes will only be considered in NORTHERN IRELAND. We are sorry we cannot accommodate further afield but this ensures we can carry out effective home checks and you have a chance to meet the dogs before adoption.