Hello, Oliver Fans! I am here! Do not fear!
Well, what a few months it has been. I have moved around the yard so many times I'm a little dizzy. My old pal Blackie is having some trouble with his feet but space is tight at the moment, even for little old me. I'm currently bunking up with Blackie, Tilly, and the 'little sister' Olive.
She's like my mini-me, although she's a tad bigger than me. But honestly, I've taught her all she knows. Together we can now let all the horses out of their stables in less than two minutes!
We've also, sadly, been banned from the main yard because I may have taught Olive just a tad too well and her impulse control is absolutely nonexistent. I've told her to play it cool but as soon as I mentioned where the good treats were hidden and how to get them... well, we are banned, so I think you can fill in the blanks.

Shame too, as I was well on my way to exceeding my top weight. I was planning on being a barrel for Halloween this year don't you know?
Sometimes these humans just care just a little too much, I mean, what's a couple of sweeties between friends really? Apparently quite a lot, a stingy lot! I'm lucky if I can sweet talk a carrot of some of this lot at the moment. Someone actually had the cheek to suggest I be the cover of 'pet obesity awareness day'. I mean really, I'm perfectly shetland shape.
Practically perfect in every way don't you know? Well, I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, I've just moved into a new pad - brand spanking new! Better yet it's been designed with me in mind, so really if you think about it, I'm the inspiration. Well, no surprise there really. I am pretty spectacular!
It's been a little depressing just how little the number of fans I've been able to meet snout to snout, and I've been told we are entering a new lockdown after Christmas. I tried to put my hoof down but apparently, the Pelicans (we think he means politicians?) in the big house don't listen to little ponies, no matter how awesome they are.
But Blackie did tell me that it's to keep the people safe, and I suppose that is important. Keeping all my fans safe is important, right? Who else is going to take care of me and buy me treats and help me try out new modern hairstyles when the notion takes me.
With that in mind, I suppose I do hope that everyone stays safe over the holidays and although we will enter a new lockdown (ugh!), I will keep my hooves crossed that it won't be too long before we all get to meet again, snout to snout, tail to tail, carrot to mouth!
Send all your love, and carrots, to me!

“I'd love a couple of brand spanking new slow hay feeders and a couple of water buckets for the new house if anyone wants to be my secret Santa?".
- Oliver -
At this time of year, costs are higher overall and with the past year being what it was, we have very little in reserves to help cover out winter bills. This year we were on par in numbers with the years of the Equine Crisis and times when we held police and council contracts. Those numbers relate only to that of the animals needing help and the outgoing costs. We receive no statutory funding and are solely reliant on the generosity of people, businesses, and grant giving bodies who support our work and the animals in need.
Every penny really does help, at the moment our carrots for the horses, ponies, rabbits, donkeys, and birds cost just fourteen pence a bag. Fourteen pence, that's it.
So when we say every penny, we truly mean that and we are truly thankful for every penny that everyone donates, for every tin of food delivered, for every share, and like and comment that can help share the word.
Please, Make a Donation if you can!
If you want to get stuff delivered to us you can get it posted direct to Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary, 26 Crosskennan Lane, Ballynoe, Antrim, BT41 2QY
Or send us an email to crosskennan@hotmail.co.uk to arrange a drop off of donations!
Did you know you can send grocery deliveries to us too? Just let us know in advance, and you can do an ASDA, Tesco's, Sainsbury's Online delivery and get it dropped off at the sanctuary. We can make use of so much from your local supermarket, from fresh fruit and veg to frozen peas and sweetcorn, fresh chicken, ham, liver, washing up powder/tablets, dish soap, bleach, disinfectant, toilet rolls, dog food, cat food, birdseed... The list could go on forever!