A quick recap of the previous week for our readers on what's been happening at Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary!
Monday, 18th July saw the hottest day of the year for us here at the sanctuary. That wasn't all we were talking about though, take a look below for what we got up to during the week...
The launch of our Big CLAS Pet Show 2022!

With 18 entry categories to choose from (including a few for those of you without a pet), we have plenty of prizes up for grabs and rosettes for our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
We'd like to offer our huge thanks to our amazing sponsors for the categories; including K9 Walker, Equine Halfway House Pony Rescue and Refuge - Equine Welfare Network, Eileen McGurk (Eileens Nose Tingling Delights), Heavenly Blossom, Online Dressage International, Scribble Studio NI - as well as many individual supporters sponsoring, some in memory of lost pets including Sooty the cat, Barney the dog, Charlie the dog, and Lucky the rescue dog.
We will upload to our Facebook page so you can all keep an eye out too. All entries get a free entry into our best in show - public vote. Which is counted on public likes and email votes. We will be uploading entries as often as we can - and people can vote from the first entry. So for a better chance to win the public vote get your entry in early!
You can find more information on the entry page on our website - and we will be uploading individual category details soon.
Show is running for the full summer so if you don't have a photo to enter their is plenty of time!
You can enter as many pets as you like, and you can enter as many times as you like. Again some classes have restrictions so please ensure you ready the rules for each class as stated on the individual class image.
Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful pets photos!
The cabin cats were having a splash! Thanks to our Monday volunteer, Andrew, the cabin cats now have a pool to play with - and what better time with the heat! Please remember if you're hot then your pet is very hot! Please ensure they always have fresh cool water and shade available.
Pets can take heatstroke in temperatures as low as 18’C so when temperatures reach above 20, they pose a high risk for our four (and two) legged friends.

Check out Sadie, straight over to investigate as soon as the pool was set up!
"Moving on Monday!" We still have 31 cats and kittens seeking homes at present. Aged 8 weeks to 12 years there is a cat or kitten for everyone.
This week we wanted to remind our readers of the wonderful feline friends we had:
Unfortunately, Billy's potential new home fell through but we're still on the lookout for a new home. Could that be with you?
At 10/11 years old, Billy is used to living quietly indoors with outdoor access. With no experience of dogs or children, Billy is best suited to a family household that is just like him, quiet. Although, having lived with another cat before, he's possibly suitable for some company of his own kind. He is currently still in his previous home and being cared for there, but he is on his own.
Bambam, Ollie, Munchkin & Precious
Seeking homes in pairs, these 8 week old cuties are on the hunt for their forever home.
Do you like watching tv and giving head scratches? Our beautiful black tiger striped Princess could be the girl for you. Our 8 week old sibling duo are looking for a new home together. Stevie is just as playful but a bit more timid than his sister and therefore would prefer an adult household. Franny (Francine)
Our new mum (to Stevie & Princess), Franny is very affectionate but prefers to sit beside you rather than on your knee. Her entire personality is based on protecting her kittens so she has some bad aggression to other animals. She purrs like a motorbike and is estimated to be around 2-3 years old. She is a very confident lady and will have no problem adapting to new environments. It is hoped that her aggression will settle when she no longer needs to protect her kittens.
Matilda & Clemantine
Despite these sisters not having the best start in life, having witnessed one of their siblings be killed on the road. They are learning to trust people in their foster home and are coming along well. These 16 week old girls would preferably like to be rehomed together but they can be rehomed separately.
Martha Our 12 year old grey tabby Martha is looking out for a home of her own where she can live out the rest of her days with some well deserved peace and pampering. Living as a stray for 10+ years, I think it's about time Martha experienced the sweet life.
Martha moved into foster and had all her checks and a little TLC. Sadly she tested positive for FIV. FIV is not a death sentence but it does limit her options moving on. She currently lives all her days in one room of her fosters house, and she is quite content although would like to explore a little more.
FIV cats can enjoy a happy life and can make wonderful companions. To prevent the disease from spreading, the RSPCA recommends FIV cats must be the only cat in the household, so if you'd like to have a one-cat home, an FIV cat might suit you. Adopting an FIV-positive cat can be really rewarding. Although nobody can predict the future, many FIV cats can potentially live long, healthy and full lives, just like a non-infected cat. They also have all the usual needs of any cat, such as a nutritious diet, mental stimulation and plenty of love!
Truffle, Tortellini & Tofu (The trio of trouble!)
Ready for release from 30th July - RESERVE NOW!
At 4 weeks old, these brothers were sadly orphaned when their mother was hit by a car. After a kind stranger brought them to CLAS, they have blossomed into crazy cuddle hungry kitties! They love nothing more than to curl up beside foster mum under a blanket.
They are currently learning to use the litter tray, and to play nicely with each other. They have been exposed to adult cats and so would be fine in a home with other cats. They have not been introduced to dogs or children.
Can you offer them a home? Either as a single companion to another cat or even as the trio themselves? What's better than two troublemakers? Three of course!
We have a rehoming fee of £70 for cats. All our cats are neutered and if not neutered at the time of rehoming, will be required to be neutered as soon as permitted by a vet. All adoptions will only take place following meeting the cat at the sanctuary and a home check.
Unfortunately due to the large number of applications we can receive per cat we do have to state that we may not be able to contact every unsuccessful home. Adoptive homes will only be considered in NORTHERN IRELAND. We are sorry we cannot accommodate further afield but this ensures we can carry out effective home checks and you have a chance to meet the cats before adoption.
Dog Rehoming Koba Our lovely 6 year old staffie, Koba has been on our list for over a month now. Unfortunately due to his owners health, he isn't getting the same attention he is used to and they've made the difficult decision to rehome him to a family who can give him the attention he deserves. Koba is lovely, friendly dog. Good with children and okay with other dogs although introductions will be required for any children or dogs in the home. He is a happy boy who enjoys attention but can be left out in the dog run for periods of time. Could you be the love and affection Koba desperately needs? Koji With no interest whatsoever in the past month and a half, our beautiful 6 year old Bullmastif x Japanese Akita, Koji needs to find a home as unfortunately his current family are unable to provide the exercise and attention he deserves. Given his breeding he is a large strong dog and ideally we would be looking for a home with a good sized secure garden. He is an active dog but also loves lying about on the sofa and getting lots of cuddles.
He's a lovely friendly dog, good with children - and has experience of children aged 4 and above in the home. He is good with dogs both in the home and out on walks, he doesn't have much experience off lead with other dogs. Meetings and careful introductions will be required for any children or dogs in the existing home.
He has been in his current home since he was 8 weeks old and this is a sad rehoming for them and one they've been working to prevent for the past two years. He is looking for a home that can give him all the love and attention he is used to.
Autism NI Summer Workshop - Equine Fun
One of our summer workshops started up on Tuesday with Autism NI

Tuesdays session was a chance for lots of information, a look around some of the areas of the sanctuary, backgrounds into some of the horses, ponies and donkeys who live here, how to identify a horse/pony/donkey, how horses communicate, and a general assessment and breaking in period for the girls - none of whom have been around horses before.

Next week we will throw them into the deep end when they are assigned a couple of horses to work with and learn all about safely approaching in a
paddock/field/stable, catching, haltering and leading.
Communication will be the key word next week!
We look forward to seeing all the girls back - and do promise the session leader will not talk so much!
We're on the lookout - can you help?

Role: Website Media Content Assistant
Position: Voluntary
Location: Remotely
Time Commitment: Flexible
Reports to: Main Admin
To Apply: Please send a short covering letter to volunteer@crosskennanlane.org.uk detailing your experience, fit with the role and why you want to volunteer with us.
Upon receipt of your application we will seek to arrange a short telephone/zoom interview or face-to-face meeting where we may ask for details.
Do you have any experience with the media or the press? We are looking for a volunteer to assist with press and publicity.
This may be as simple as contacting papers, magazines, editorials, etc. and trying to get some coverage - especially for some of our rehoming cases and emergency appeals. In many cases we have the information written up ready to go - we just can't get the time to get it out.
We are also on the lookout for some people to join us within our fundraising team. Can you help out?
Please email office@crosskennanlane.org.uk if you can help out.
We really appreciate your support - and there are so many ways you can help us help animals.
We can accept Food donations, toys (no stuffed toys or tennis balls please), bedding (blankets, towels, and sheets are welcome!), and we can recycle old lego, mobile phones and used stamps!

Don't forget our upcoming Crosskennan Charity Dinner Dance this November to celebrate 25 years of saving lives. Celebrating the people who have helped and the animals they have saved!
Help us to help them!
Please, CLICK here to Make a Donation (PAYPAL)!
Make a one off donation on our website CLICK HERE!
Or you can send a donation via bank transfer to
Sort Code: 950202
Account Number: 31184288
If you want to get stuff delivered to us you post it directly to: Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary, 26 Crosskennan Lane, Ballynoe, Antrim, BT41 2QY
Or send us an email to crosskennan@hotmail.co.uk to arrange a drop-off of donations!
Did you know you can send grocery deliveries to us too? Just let us know in advance, and you can do a ASDA, Tesco's, Sainsbury's Online delivery and get it dropped off at the sanctuary. We can make use of so much from your local supermarket, from fresh fruit and veg, to frozen peas and sweetcorn, fresh chicken, ham, liver, washing up powder/tablets, dish soap, bleach, disinfectant, toilet rolls, dog food, cat food, birdseed... The list could go on forever!