Both donkeys will need a home together with someone experienced with horses, donkeys, or both. The home must be patient and willing to continue their training after leaving the sanctuary.
Limited grazing will be needed - ideally a track system if possible to encourage movement, helping with the loss of the additional weight that they carry.

Emily (lighter mare) has a more subdued temperament, only concerned whenever she cannot reach Elijah, unhappy when she can see but not reach him. She is a polite donkey who would be content with or without human attention.

Elijah (darker gelding) is a very curious Donkey. He will meddle with anything new in his environment. Very mentally active and quick to learn forms of enrichment would be very beneficial.
Both leading well-using body language and vocal cues - ‘walk-on’ and ‘Woah’. Very responsive and getting more so with each session.
Whoever was to rehome them would be expected to continue their training and handling.
