In December we spotted a stray running around the yard, he was in bad shape overall and we put out food and eventually got a better look at him. He was covered in sores, his coat was filthy and he was absolutely starving. He looked at us with an equal measure of desperation and fear. Unfortunately fear won out and he took off.
The manager searched right into the night, it well past two in the morning before she realised that the freezing temperatures had taken effect.
The staff and volunteers were on alert for any sightings while we set up a trap with yummy food.
That evening the trap was sprung but we were surprised to find, not the sick black and white, but a big ginger tom.

Looking at him we made the first assumption that he had to be a pet, but his behaviour quickly suggested otherwise. He is terrified of people, and while he is in fairly good condition, was very hungry.
We made a plea for anyone who may have information, sharing the story of the black and white and the reason for the trap.

The ginger had many comments from people hoping that he was their missing boy, but none matched and after the couple of days he'd been inside it was clear he was not used to humans in any real way and found the experience alien. Not a missing housecat we surmised, as most pets begin to settle after a couple of days; even if they are stressed.
Through the posts word spread that we were on the lookout for the black and white and on the Monday, three days after the manager had searched for him, we got a call from our neighbour Mr Stirling who had spotted the cat and put two and two together. He went out and got some food, managing to tempt the cat to him before he brought him to us.
Immediately we could see the damage was worse than expected with sores and open wounds; some healed, some fresh. His bones protuded and he felt skeletal to the touch even while his belly hung low; an illusion of weight.
He was rushed to the vets where he was given a full check and treatment plan was formulated. He came home with his worm dosage and we started him immediately; knowing from experience how deadly worms can be and knowing the signs all too well.
The first day he filled the floor with worms, retching them up until we knew he must be sore. The second day he did so again. The sheer number of worms he expelled was scary to see, his weak and sore body seemingly more worms than cat.
A week on and his wounds are closing, his body is already filling out and he has finally ceased bringing up worms. He has settled into the manager's house where he can be monitored throughout the night; with a lovely bed of donated towels and blankets which he snuggles into with great relish.
Meanwhile, the ginger tom hasn't improved in his nerves, and eyes every human with a wary distrust. He has thankfully stopped cowering the moment we enter the room and is very pleased with his three square meals a day. He will be another slow story we imagine, one where we will have to build his trust but we are pleased that as slow as the progress is, there is some progress, even if it is just as simple as he doesn't flinch when we reach in with his dinner.
We will continue to monitor the boys and give them the care they need before assessing them for a home; obviously each of such different personalities that they will need very different homes; but that is one thing we know about; providing the right home for the right animals.
Please, Make a Donation!
If you want to get stuff delivered to us you can get it posted direct to Crosskennan Lane Animal Sanctuary, 26 Crosskennan Lane, Ballynoe, Antrim, BT41 2QY
Or send us an email to to arrange a drop off of donations!
Did you know you can send grocery deliveries to us too? Just let us know in advance, and you can do a ASDA, Tesco's, Sainsbury's Online delivery and get it dropped off at the sanctuary. We can make use of so much from your local supermarket, from fresh fruit and veg, to frozen peas and sweetcorn, fresh chicken, ham, liver, washing up powder/tablets, dish soap, bleach, disinfectant, toilet rolls, dog food, cat food, birdseed... The list could go on forever!
Countdown to Christmas with CLAS!
